Thursday, August 9th

Mike is in the Zercher zone.  Gerald is... casually spectating.

Warmup: 5 rounds

3 Skin the cats

10 reverse hypers

3 plank to prayer

10 ring rows


Strength: Push Press 1x10, 3x5, 6x2


WOD: Death by burpees + 10 meter sprints x4

On each minute, the athlete will perform 1 burpee + 1 - 10 meter run

On minute 2 the athlete will perform 2 burpees + 2 - 10 meter sprints

Continue until athlete cannot complete the work...

once the last athlete is out ~ wait 2 minutes then start again at 1

complete 4 rounds total 


Endurance: Meet @ YMCA at 6 am

Swim: 1x50, 4x100, 6x50, 4x100 --> rest equals work 

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