Saturday - Monday, August 5th - 7th


Warmup: Coaches Choice


Happy 30th Birthday to Julia Gulia!!!

Julia's "Three Decades in Three Parts"

Decade #1: 5 Min AMRAP

6 Front Squats 135/95#

6 Push Press 135/95#

30 Double Unders

Rest 5 Minutes

Decade #2: 2 Rounds of

15 KBS 55/35#

1 Dumpster Dash

15 Burpees

1 Dumpster Dash

15 Situps 

1 Dumpster Dash

15 Kettlebell High Pulls 55/35#

1 Dumpster Dash

Rest 5 Minutes

Decade #3: For Time

30 Power Cleans 135/95#

30 Box Jumps 30/24"

*Top of Each Minute perform 6 pushups until completion 



Amnesty – Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill

*Sunday Funday – 7 am Anyone Welcome!




 500m Row

10 Wall Balls

 400m Row

15 WB

300m Row

20 WB


Buy-in: 1 min max rep KBS 70/55#


Strength: Snatch Grip Deadlift 5x5


WOD: 10!

Floor Presses @ 75% BW


With 1 dumpster dash between each round

Joe KusnitzComment