Tuesday, May 15th

Warmup: 12 minutes of

30 seconds L-Sit Holds

10 KB Single Legged Deadlift

10 Supermans

30 second HS Holds

Dumpster Dash


SuperSet = We are starting a micro-cycle of hypertrophy training! When doing supersets you should be moving from movement to movement without rest. The rest will occur when the entire round is completed; then the athlete should rest as needed.

SuperSet: 5 Rounds ~ Not for Time

A - Shoulder Press x 5 (moderate weight)

B - Kettlebell High Pull x 10

C - Banded Pull A-Parts x 20

*Rest between rounds as needed


WOD: 3 Rounds for Time

800 Meter Run

30 Pushups

30 Jumping Lunges 

30 Ab Mat Situps


Endurance: Meet at ECC @ 6 am

20, 30 or 40 Minutes out and Back ~~ Must Negative Split 


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