Tuesday, November 28th

Fierce!  Bonnie showing her strength on some clean & jerks!

Warmup: 3 Rounds of

2 Forward Rolls

4 Wall walks

6 Plank to Prayer

8 Leg Swings (on each leg)

10 Box Jumps


Strength: 15 minutes to establish a working Squat Clean & Jerk


WOD: 5 Rounds for Time

6 Clean and Jerks @ 65% of working weight

12 Deadlifts @ same weight

24 DU's 

400 meter run


Sellout: 3xmax rep shoulder to OH @ 50% BW


Endurance: 30 minute AMRAP

5 Tire Flips

10 Pushups

15 KB Lunges 

Run Around the building 

Joe KusnitzComment