Tuesday, November 1st

Warmup: 4 Rounds of

2 minutes PVC Pipe Squat Therapy

8 seated dumbell presses

8 bent over dumbell flies

20 DU's


Buy-in: 1 minute max rep Toes to Bar


Strength: Front Squat - 3x3, 4x2, 5x1


WOD: 10!

KBS 70/55# 



Sellout: OTMx6

3 - Power Snatches (moderate)


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am ~ Coach Joe

For Time:

1x 50 burpees + run around building

2x 40 ab mat situps + run around building

3x 30 pushups + run around building

4x 20 KBS + run around building

Joe KusnitzComment