Saturday, Dec. 27th - Monday, Dec. 29th


Warmup: 10 Min AMRAP

30 DU's/Single Unders

20 Bar Thrusters

10 Hand Release Pushups



OTMx8 - 20 Second Hand Stand Shoulder Touches

Seated Banded Press 8x3 @ 60%

Hang Clean 5x3 - build to heavy weight

Hang Snatch 5x3 - build to heavy weight


Partner workout: Team of 2 athletes

3 Rounds for Time

20 Shoulder to Overhead 135/95#

100' Partner Carry

20 Partner Lunges 185/135#


Burn out: 5/3 Muscle Ups




500 meter row

10 wall balls

400 meter row

20 wall balls

300 meter row

30 wall balls


Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill


OPP: Work day

Box Jumps 6x2 ~ Hight

Box Squat 5x4

Snatch 8x1 ~ Hold at the bottom

Clean & Jerk 8x1

4 min AMRAP x 3

6 hang cleans 135/95#

6 front squats 135/95#

6 box jumps 24/20

rest 2 mins between AMRAPs


burnout: 5x3 MU's



Warmup: 4 Rounds

50 DU's/SU's

20 OH Walking Lunges with Bar


Push Press 1x5, 3x3, 3x1 - taken from floor


7 Min AMRAP:

7 Push Press 115/75#

5 Pullups

Rest 3 mins then,

3x1 min on- 1 min off of

max rep box jumps 24/20#


OPP - Rest Day
